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book cover of The Lazlo Mission

"This story is about Lazlo, but in truth it's about us, us ragged and unpredictable humans, and how our species has suffered and fought and loved and hoped and finally come to a point where we face a moment of great change: either slow and ugly extinction, or else our final release into fullness, into our mature, higher selves.”

The Kindle version is now available for only $2.99.

The paperback version is now available for $14.99.

For reduced or free copy of the paperback version (when released), post a review here. Thanks!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Welcome to the Blog

This is the place to talk books and ideas, especially those related to my books and stories.

“We’re at a unique point in history, possibly the most important moment for humans ever. … It’s vital that that many people understand that they are in a story and that how the story turns out is tup to them. It can go well for humans, or it can be disastrous. If enough humans get the idea in their heads that it’s possible for the story to go well, there’s a real chance it will.” —Lazlo Kovaks

1 comment:

  1. Please add comments and reviews - all of your thoughts, if not spam, are welcome! ~~the author


For reduced or free copy of the paperback version (when released), post a review here. Thanks!